Our Community: learning together
Preparing children for their future journeys.
‘I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.’
Psalm 32:8
We set an example of learning together, with and through our community.
Through the bible and through each other.
We encourage our parents, governors and the community (local and wider) to be part of our learning journey in school. Through regular events such as ‘plan, do, review’ in Nursery, parent workshops or events with links to our curriculum, such as parent sharing their specific skills in a history or science workshop, or being a mystery reader on world book day.

Lucy Naylor-James, demonstrated aspects of her role as an Orthotist by making a cast of a leg and an imprint of a foot, during our science week.
At St George’s our children have many opportunities to take part in wider community events, such as Green Man Day, St George’s Day, sporting activities involving other schools and musical performances to audiences made up of people from our local community and beyond.
We take an active role in Church festivals. The school also encourages children to play a role in many charity events each year and the children regularly initiate and organise fund-raising events themselves.
Here are some links to other community websites:
St George’s School is a Friend of Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Click on the graphic below to find out more.