The School first opened in 1863 and lies in the heart of the Clun Valley. It has been extensively modernised since the 1970’s. We have recently completed a phased programme to further update our facilities including completing our outdoor running track, a new library, a raised bed gardening area and this year we are creating a new EYFS outdoor learning area.
Our outdoor areas are extremely important to us, providing excellent learning and recreational facilities for the children. We have an outdoor classroom in the main playground where children can play and reflect, an environmental area including a green house, raised bed and forested section and a large field and playground for playing sports.
We have four spacious classrooms including a purpose-built nursery with its own outdoor classroom which includes a traditionally-built play farmhouse for role play and a huge sandpit (the beach).
All children (courtesy of Mr and Mrs R Parish) access our Forest School site which is based in the stunning Arboretum at Walcot Hall