
Bringing learning to life.

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:38

Like water brings life to the world we bring learning to life for our pupils.

Our curriculum has been designed to make learning real with cultural capital. For example. British Values – pupils2parliment sessions with an MP. Forest School Outdoor learning. Writing for purpose. Full texts for exploring reading.

Ukulele performance for the Kings Coronation

Easter Gardens displayed in St. George’s Church

Discover Dance workshops with The Welsh National Dance Company

Maths Parent Workshops

Waterworks trip to link to Class 2’s ‘wild water’ topic.

Roman re-enactment

Bronze ambassadors leading a boccia event.

Sharing a story across ages.


Our curriculum

We want our children to be inquisitive, determined learners who work hard to achieve their very best. Our curriculum is being developed with our children at its’ heart. We aim to develop learning which captures children’s interests and leads to outcomes which make a difference.

Our curriculum is planned over a 2 & 3 year cycle with learning sequenced and built on.

Curriculum Themes 4 class model

Examples of Theme Plans and Cultural Capital

Class One Theme Plan Spring

Class One Cultural capital Spring

ST.G Theme Plan Class 2

ST.G Cultural capital Class 2


ST.G Theme Plan Survival Class 3 Spring

ST.G Cultural capital Survival Class 3 Spring















Read about how we adapt our curriculum to pupils with SEND. Further information can be found on our SEND page

Adapting the curriculum to meet the needs of pupils with SEND


George and the Dragon