Hello and welcome to Class 2.
We are a class of Year 1 and Year 2 children.
Miss Ryan is the teacher, supported by Mrs Green, Mrs Tortoriello, and Mrs Davies across the week.
This term our topic is ‘Light and Dark. In Geography, we will be learning about local and global weather patterns and measuring, recording and presenting the weather ourselves. In science we will be learning all about plants, including native trees and plants, the parts of plants and how to grow plants. This will support us to think about where our food comes from, how plants help the world and how we can help to look after our world too.
If your child is in Year 1, they will be following the Little Wandle phonics programme to support them with their reading journey. This is a systematic synthetic phonics programme that teaches children to decode sounds within words to enable them to read and write.
More information is available from the document below.
St. George’s vision for reading is to bring books to life for children, instilling a lifelong love of reading.
Children in Year 1 will read daily in school using books that align with and support their learning in phonics. Children in Year 2 will read daily, exploring key texts throughout the term that develop their reading skills in depth. More information on the Whole School Approach to Reading can be found below.
Reading at home greatly impacts children’s reading progression and love of reading. Therefore, we ask that you read daily at home with your child and record their reading and your comments in their Reading Diaries. Please ensure these are sent into school every day.
At the end of each day, we will share a story together. Each Friday a child will be invited to bring one of their favourite stories from home to share with the class. Parents will be informed when it is their child’s turn to bring in a book from home.
Your child with have PE on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Your child will need a PE kit consisting of shorts, t-shirt and trainers, and in the winter a tracksuit top and bottoms. Please ensure they come to school wearing their PE kit on these days.
Forest School
Your child will attend Forest School once every half-term. Forest School is held at Walcot Hall Arboretum. The Forest School dates for this term are:
- Wednesday 17th January
- Wednesday 28th February
On these days, please send your child in with appropriate clothing e.g. a waterproof coat, wellies, hat and gloves or sunhat and sun cream. There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing!
General Information
Please could children bring to school everyday:
A coat – despite the great British weather we endeavour to get outside as much as possible!
A water bottle – we are a healthy school so water only please.
Their bookbag – along with their reading book and reading diary.
Please note: Free fruit is available daily at breaktime.
Please follow the links below for information about our learning for this term.
Class Two English Overview Autumn 2024
Class Two Maths Overview Autumn 2024
Class Two Theme Plan Autumn A 2024
Class Two Cultural Capital Autumn A 2024
We hope the above information has been useful. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We look forward to working with you and your children.