We are a mixed age class of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. Our class teachers are Mrs Clinton and Miss Croft. We are supported by Mrs Banford, who is a HLTA (Higher Level Teaching Assistant).
This Autumn, our topic is World War Two. In History we will be exploring many events including the causes of World War Two and the Blitz. Our class book is Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo. We will also be creating artwork linking to the war, which we will be sharing in our class assembly later in the term.
Below is information about our class which you will hopefully find helpful.
Children will have PE on Monday and Wednesday afternoon.
We will be taking part in Forest School once a half term, the children will visit Walcot Hall. Please ensure that children have appropriate clothing for the weather e.g. a waterproof coat, wellies, hat and gloves or sunhat and sunscreen.
Reading Books Your child will be bringing their reading books and reading journal home. Your child is expected to read 5 times a week. After reading please prompt your child to record a comment in their journal about what they have just read, this could be a prediction, a view or a question. It is important for your child’s reading progress for them to read regularly at home as well as in school. Children are responsible for changing their own reading books, although they will be prompted by staff to do this. Please ensure that your child brings their reading book and reading journal into school every day.
Homework will be set at the start of each half term. Children are given a set of tasks where they need to complete one a week, of their choice.
Each child has a login for TTRockstars where they can practice their times tables.
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)
Our learning – Please visit our class page for regular updates on what we have been learning about in class.
Thank your for your support and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.